“Brer Rabbit, he seys, seys he, ‘You le’ me loose, your hear. Er I’s gonna bust you wide open wid my other fist.’ ”
Miss Kate stood back, watched, and listened as her child spoke in the inflections and dialect of one of the hired men at Dovedale.
“ ‘I ain’t telling ya agin,’ Brer Rabbit seys, seys he. But de Tar Baby, he ain’t saying nut-in’, and Brer Fox, he lay low.”
Susan swung her left fist forward and stood frozen, leaning slightly forward, both fists now buried in the unseen Tar Baby. “Brer Rabbit, he done whomped de Tar Baby again. He seys, seys he, ‘You let me go.’”
Laughter rose again. The children slipped closer.
When Brer Rabbit had kicked the Tar Baby with one foot and was ready to kick with the other one, Susan realized she couldn’t lift both feet and looked down as if puzzled. But she kept her balance on one foot and continued the story. “‘I tells you, you le’ me go, er I’ll butt you cockeyed,’ Brer Rabbit seys, seys he. But de Tar Baby, he don't sey nuthin’ and don’t let ‘im go. And Brer Fox, he lay low. Brer Rabbit, he butted up on de Tar Baby, and dere he was, all stuck up. And Brer Fox, he couldn’t lay low no mo’. He laughed and he laughed and he laughed till he couldn’t laugh no mo’.
“And he pulled Brer Rabbit off de Tar Baby and told ‘im, ‘I’m gonna eatcha up.’ And Brer Rabbit, he looked at Brer Fox and he seys, seys he, ‘You kin eat me up, Brer Fox, but please, oh please, don’t tho' me in de briar patch,’ he seys, seys he.
“And Brer Fox, he threw Brer Rabbit right smack dab in de briar patch dar on de side-a de road and laughed and laughed and laughed till he couldn't laugh no mo’. 'Cepting bout den Brer Rabbit, he laughed and he laughed and he seys, seys he, ‘Thank 'ee, Brer Fox. I was bawn and bred in de briar patch.’”
Susan curtsied, the children and their mothers clapped, and Susan smiled and curtsied again.
She had found the person she would become, and her first public appearance became a family legend. |
In a newspaper column she responded to a reader who asked if Rhett came back to Scarlett:
"You are not alone in your wish to know whatever happened to the lives of Rhett and Scarlett.
I don’t know what happened to the two Southerners. I could argue either side—Rhett did or didn’t ever go back to her. One might believe that Rhett was the sort of man who was finished forever with a woman whom he considered not worth loving. Or, one might argue that Scarlett always got what she wanted, SO she got him back." In a later column, she wrote what might have happened.
(You’ll have to read the book to find out Sue Myricks’ “sequel” to GWTW.) |